Our Story

Hi! I'm Chelsey. After running Feat. solo for many years, my husband, Johan, joined me in August 2020. Together we conceptualise, design and manage all the workings of the business, while juggling early parenthood. Our little terrier, Teddie, is always close-by to provide lots of cuddles.

While the business began with a love for fun, colourful socks…

and South African production, we have loved the process of expanding it into many other exciting spheres, like stationery, memory games, kids’ activities and more, while keeping local production as one of the hallmarks of what we do.

Photograph of the family behind the brand, Feat. Designer Goods. A designer socks and paper goods company from Cape Town, South Africa.

A little bit of history...

Feat. began in October 2012, when a sock-gifting habit was turned into a business plan. We are a playful, designer-led brand for dreamers and intrepid explorers. Over the years, our business has expanded from purely a designer sock business, to one that explores a vast variety of surfaces for our art and illustrations. In 2020, we began branching out into paper products, and have expanded from notebooks, planners and greeting cards, to exciting, proudly South African memory games that are fun and educational for the entire family!

Our aim has always been…

to create products that tell a story, taking wearers and viewers on a little adventure; or at least just be one reason for you to smile today. Feat. is short for ‘feature’, because we’ve always loved products that stand out as the feature of an outfit, or become a talking point for conversation. We hope that our designs do that for you.
We hope to never take things too seriously, but there are a few things we do: quality, comfort, customer service and local production.

Take a look!

This SHORT FILM was animated for us by talented, local animator, Greg Bakker. The clip gives some insight into the ethos of our brand. While our brand name has changed slightly, and we now produce more than just socks, our curiosity and delight is still a focus in our designing process, and we love drawing inspiration from the natural world when drawing the designs for our socks, stationery and memory games.