By Sima Mpahla

I have tackled a few hiking trails in my time. They seemed pretty easy on paper, a different story in reality. Living in the City of Cape Town, one can't ignore hiking Lions Head and summiting Table Mountain, crowned as one of the natural wonders of the world in the year 2012. Most tourists prefer to take the cable-cars to the top, but hey, where's the fun in that?

Some people love the idea of conquering new mountains and summits. My motivation to hike isn't the summit, but rather, the process. I love the process of a group friends who have decided they want a little bit of adventure and have believed they are fit enough to tackle mountains after all the junk food they've been consuming all year long, getting out there and going for it.

In the hiking process itself, I love the light-hearted conversations created, the encouraging words passed around when one of us is thinking of aborting the mission. I love the feeling as we take care of each other; lending a helping hand to a friend when they're feeling a little overwhelmed by the incline. While we are huffing and puffing, concentrating on the trail, you get struck by the beautiful scenery in front your eyes. And then who can forget the amazing taste of the peanut butter sandwich when you've reached the top?

In the spirit of hiking and adventure, FEAT. sock co. has designed the 'Hex Hike sock'. This particular sock was inspired by designer, Chelsey Wilson's, 2-day adventure in the Hex Mountain Pass with a group of friends back in December 2016. It's muted colour palette speaks of the pink, dusty trails and purply-blue rock formations passed as they climbed to the top. It is super 'happy' in design and it embodies the very beauty of nature, daring you to take a 'hike'. Want to buy a pair? To all the adventure enthusiasts, visit our online shop, our sock shop in Muizenberg, Cape Town, or one of our selected retailer to get yourself a pair.

Also see our Camping and Tiger socks below, which form part of our April 2017 range along with the Hex Hike design.

Awesome, quirky socks inspired by hiking and adventure, South Africa

Funky Tiger socks inspired by jungle adventures

All photography above was snapped by our favourite local photographer and friend, Roxanne Lindenberg. Follow the link below to see more of her work:


Clothing featured in the shoot was all handmade in Cape Town by local fashion designer, Philippa Crooks. Follow the links below to view her work:


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